
The right risking mitigation scheme for my market 

November 7, 2019

On November 6th took place a GEORISK International seminar in Izmir, Turkey, attended by more than 100 experts.

After the presentation of the GEORISK Project by Philippe Dumas, EGEC, first projects results were presented.

About Understanding geothermal de-risking, Ferid Seyidov, GEC-Co detailed the work done about risk assessment with a presentation of the GEORISK Risk Register and its associated Risk Assessment Tool.

Horst Kreuter, Geothermal engineering gmbh, continued to present this topic by highlighting the conditions for schemes according to market maturity.

Finally, participants got the Feedback of Markus Ruff, Gec-CO about Technical trends in the market, notably the German case.


The Session 2 presented the  Geothermal risk mitigation schemes in Turkey, with a moderation by Cagri YILDIRIM, TUBITAK

The Turkish example was presented by Ender DINCER, TKB, then a Roundtable discussion allowed to receive the Feedbacks from GEORISK advisory committee members:

  • Deniz Yurtsever, EBRD
  • Kadir Sancar, TSKB

To conclude this session, the Environmental Risks in Turkey were presented with the fist results from the GEOENVI project, by Cannur Bozkurt (JESDER)


The third Session was about the Global geothermal market and GEORISK activities outside Europe.

The Deep geothermal market & opportunity analysis was done by the Geo-Energy Europe Project representative, Stephen Walsh.

For establishing a geothermal risk mitigation scheme in third countries:

  • Market conditions to de-risk project were highlighted by Virginie Schmidlé-Bloch, AFPG/GEODEEP
  • Capacity building activities were then presented by Philippe Dumas, EGEC


This successful event allowed the GEORISK project to present its first results, but more is to come: register to our newsletter to keep updated.




Presentations online:

Project overview, Philippe Dumas, EGEC

Risk Assessment, Ferid Seyidov, GEC-CO

Transition of the Risk Mitigation Schemes, Ferid Seyidov, GEC-CO / Dr.Horst Kreuter, Geothermal Group Germany GmbH 

Early Stage Private Sector Geothermal DevelopmentFramework

Development and investment bank of Turkey World / Bank geothermal development project-risk sharing mechanism

First results from the GEOENVI project, Cannur Bozkurt, JESDER

Establishing a geothermal risk mitigation scheme in third countries: Capacity building activities, Philippe Dumas, EGEC

Replication and promotion in Europe & Globally, Virginie Schmidle-Bloch & Christian Boissavy, GEODEEP