GEORISK International Seminar – The right risking mitigation scheme for my market
06 November 2019
Draft Agenda
14h00 – 14h15: Introduction Presentation of the GEORISK Project: Philippe Dumas, EGEC 14h15 – 15h15 Session 1: Understanding geothermal de-risking Moderator: Philippe Dumas, EGEC Presentation of the GEORISK Risk Register and Risk Assessment Tool: Ferid Seyidov, GEC-Co The right scheme for the right market: conditions for schemes according to market maturity: Horst Kreuter, Geothermal engineering gmbh tbc Feedback – Markus Ruff, Gec-CO – Technical trends in the market, notably the German case Discussion with participants 15h15 – 16h15 Session 2: Geothermal risk mitigation schemes in Turkey The Turkish example: Ender DINCER, TKB Roundtable discussion: Feedbacks from GEORISK advisory committee members: Environmental Risks in Turkey, results from GEOENVI: Cannur Bozkurt (JESDER) Discussion with participants 16h15 – 16h45 Coffee Break 16h45 – 17h45 Session 3: Global geothermal market and GEORISK activities outside Europe Deep geothermal market & opportunity analysis by Geo-Energy Europe Project: Stephen Establishing a geothermal risk mitigation scheme in third countries: Discussion with participants 17h45 – 18h00: Conclusion
06 November 2019