
Stakeholder consultation webinar – Transition in geothermal derisking schemes Confirmation / Presentations online

January 7, 2020

Following the successful GEORISK consultation webinar, attended by more than 40 stakeholders involved in the geothermal sector,  energy policy making and financing, the GEORISK partners asks these experts to send their remarks and/or questions regarding the proposed criteria for the transition from one type of geothermal derisking scheme to another by Friday the 17th of January 2020.

Please send your questions, comments and feedback to:

Webinar recorded.


Presentation from the webinar:

Presentation GEORISK Project – Philippe Dumas, EGEC

Geothermal resource risk assessment – Thomas Le Guenan, BRGM

Transition from public to public-private scheme, the case of France – Christian Boissavy, GEODEEP

GOERISK Proposed criteria for the transition – Ferid Seyidov, Gec-Co